Anubias Barteri Round: The Ultimate Guide to Growing and Caring

Hey there, fellow aquarium enthusiasts! Today, we’re diving into the fascinating world of aquatic plants with a focus on a special one: Anubias Barteri Round. This plant isn’t just your ordinary green buddy – it’s got a unique twist that sets it apart in the aquarium hobby.

Table of Contents

Anubias Barteri Round is a star player in the aquarium scene. It’s like the rockstar of aquatic plants, and people can’t help but admire its beauty and importance. What makes it really stand out is its leaves – they’re not like the usual long and pointy ones you might see on other plants. Nope, these leaves are round, like tiny, underwater plates!

Imagine having a plant in your tank that breaks the leafy mold and brings something different to the table. That’s exactly what Anubias Barteri Round does. Its leaves are round, which is a pretty rare trait in the aquatic plant world. So, if you’re looking for something that will grab everyone’s attention, this plant’s unique leaf shape will do the trick.

Stay tuned as we take a closer look at why Anubias Barteri Round is turning heads in the aquarium hobby. We’ll uncover more about its interesting features, how to care for it, and why it’s a must-have for any aquarist looking to add a touch of uniqueness to their underwater world.

Anubias Barteri Round: An Overview

Let’s take a closer peek at what makes Anubias Barteri Round so special in terms of its appearance. This plant is like a little work of art that nature has crafted for your aquarium.

Leafy Details

The leaves of Anubias Barteri Round are quite something to admire. They’re not the regular long and pointy leaves you might be used to seeing. Instead, they’re round, almost like small plates. These round leaves give the plant a unique charm that sets it apart from the rest.

Size Matters

When it comes to size, Anubias Barteri Round doesn’t go overboard. Its leaves aren’t too big or too small – they’re just the right size to create a harmonious look in your tank. This can be a great advantage if you’re aiming for a balanced and visually pleasing aquascape.

A Splash of Green

The color of the leaves is a lush, vibrant green. This natural green hue can provide a soothing and refreshing vibe to your aquarium, making it a great addition to any underwater scene you’re crafting.

The Art of Round Leaves

Now, let’s talk about those round leaves a bit more. They’re like little green orbs floating in the water. The round shape adds a touch of diversity to your aquatic plant collection. It’s like having a bunch of tiny water lily pads, but instead of floating on the water’s surface, they’re gently swaying beneath it.

Aesthetic Appeal

The round leaves aren’t just a quirky trait – they actually contribute to the plant’s overall aesthetic appeal. Their unique shape draws attention and gives your tank a focal point that’s a bit out of the ordinary. They can add a sense of playfulness and intrigue to your underwater world, making it a more interesting and captivating place to observe.

So, if you’re looking to jazz up your aquarium with something that’s not your run-of-the-mill plant, Anubias Barteri Round’s round leaves are here to steal the show. These leaves bring a dash of creativity and wonder to your underwater landscape, making your tank a visual delight for anyone who gazes upon it.

Origins and Natural Habitat

Let’s embark on a little journey to discover where our aquatic star, Anubias Barteri Round, comes from and where it feels right at home.

Native Homes

Anubias Barteri Round originates from the lush lands of West Africa. You can find it happily growing in countries like Cameroon and Nigeria. It’s like a little piece of West African beauty that’s made its way into aquariums all around the world.

Habitat Hangouts

In its natural habitat, Anubias Barteri Round doesn’t live in fast-flowing streams or wild rapids. Nope, it prefers the calmer waters. You can spot it growing alongside riverbanks and the edges of streams, where the water isn’t rushing around too frantically.

Chillin’ Conditions

Now, let’s talk about the conditions Anubias Barteri Round prefers. This plant likes its water to be a bit on the warmer side, around 72 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit (22 to 28 degrees Celsius). It’s like a cozy warm bath for your plant buddies.

Easygoing pH

When it comes to pH, Anubias Barteri Round isn’t too picky. It’s content with a range of pH levels, typically between 6.0 and 7.5. So, you don’t have to worry too much about your water being too acidic or too basic.

Lighting Love

When it comes to lighting, Anubias Barteri Round isn’t the spotlight-loving diva of the plant world. It prefers moderate lighting – not too bright, not too dim. Think of it like a Goldilocks situation: the light should be just right. Avoid intense, direct light, as it could lead to trouble for our round-leaved friend.

Substrate Selection

Now, here’s a cool thing: Anubias Barteri Round doesn’t need to be buried deep in the substrate. It’s more of a “tie me to a rock or driftwood” kind of plant. You can use fishing line or plant-safe rubber bands to attach it to these hardscape elements. This way, the plant’s rhizome (that’s the horizontal stem) can be exposed, and its roots can attach themselves wherever they please.

So, there you have it – Anubias Barteri Round’s origins and its favorite hangouts. It’s a plant that brings a touch of West African aquatic charm to your tank, and it’s pretty easy to keep happy. As long as you provide it with the right water conditions and lighting, it’ll flourish and bring its unique round leafy goodness to your aquatic paradise.

Cultivation Requirements

Let’s roll up our sleeves and dive into the nitty-gritty of how to make Anubias Barteri Round feel right at home in your aquarium. It’s like setting the stage for a star performance!

Water Conditions

  • Temperature: Keep the water temperature between 72 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit (22 to 28 degrees Celsius). This cozy range mimics the warmth of its West African origins.
  • pH Levels: Anubias Barteri Round is quite forgiving when it comes to pH. Aim for a pH range of 6.0 to 7.5. It’s like creating a comfortable environment where it can thrive without any pH dramas.
  • Hardness: This plant prefers water that’s on the slightly soft to moderately hard side. A general range of 3 to 12 dGH (degrees of general hardness) should do the trick. It’s all about finding that balance that keeps both you and your plant happy.

Shining a Light on Lighting

  • Lighting Intensity: Anubias Barteri Round isn’t one to hog the limelight. It prefers moderate lighting. Think of it as a gentle glow rather than a spotlight. Avoid high-intensity lights, as they can cause problems for our round-leaved friend.
  • Light Duration: Aim for around 8 to 10 hours of light per day. Just like us, plants need their beauty sleep too!

Substrate and Planting Know-How

  • Substrate Strategy: Here’s a fun fact – Anubias Barteri Round doesn’t need to bury its roots deep in the substrate. It’s all about rhizome love! You can tie or attach it to rocks, driftwood, or even decorations using fishing line or plant-safe rubber bands. This lets its roots dangle and explore the water, while the rhizome stays exposed.
  • Planting Tips: When attaching the plant, make sure not to bury the rhizome in the substrate. Let it sit on top or slightly embedded, but not too deep. The roots will do their thing and attach themselves.

Easy Does It

  • Avoid Fertilizer Near Rhizome: If you’re using fertilizers, be careful not to apply them too close to the rhizome. Anubias Barteri Round is sensitive to fertilizer contact, and it can cause problems for its growth.

So there you have it – the recipe for a happy Anubias Barteri Round in your aquarium. By dialing in the right water conditions, providing the ideal lighting, and giving it a cozy spot on some hardscape, you’ll be well on your way to having a flourishing and unique aquatic beauty in your tank.

Propagation Methods

Ready to learn how to make more Anubias Barteri Round babies? Let’s dive into the world of propagation and make some aquatic magic happen.

Method 1: Division

  1. Choose a Healthy Parent Plant: To start, pick a healthy and mature Anubias Barteri Round plant. You want to make sure it’s strong and ready to share its goodness.
  2. Prepare Your Tools: Get some sharp scissors or a clean knife ready. You’ll also need some clean and sharp pruning shears.
  3. Gently Remove the Plant: Take the parent plant out of the tank carefully. Gently shake it to remove excess water and make it easier to work with.
  4. Locate the Rhizome: The rhizome is the horizontal stem that connects the leaves and roots. Carefully look for a section of the rhizome that has at least a couple of leaves and roots attached.
  5. Make the Cut: Using your scissors or knife, make a clean cut through the rhizome. Make sure each divided piece has a couple of leaves and a few roots attached.
  6. Plant the Divisions: Now, take each divided piece and attach it to your chosen hardscape (like rocks or driftwood) using fishing line or plant-safe rubber bands. Make sure the rhizome is above the substrate, just like you did with the parent plant.

Method 2: Rhizome Cuttings

  1. Prepare the Parent Plant: Choose a healthy parent plant and remove it from the tank, giving it a gentle shake to remove excess water.
  2. Locate a Healthy Rhizome Section: Look for a healthy and strong section of the rhizome that you want to use for the cutting. Make sure it has a few leaves attached.
  3. Make the Cut: Use clean and sharp pruning shears to cut the rhizome. Make sure you have a clean and smooth cut.
  4. Plant the Cutting: Take the rhizome cutting and attach it to your hardscape, just like with the division method. Keep the rhizome above the substrate to encourage healthy growth.

Tips for Success

  • Patience is Key: After dividing or cutting, be patient. It might take a little time for the new plants to establish themselves and start growing.
  • Provide Optimal Conditions: Keep the water parameters and lighting consistent with what Anubias Barteri Round likes. This will help the new plants settle in and thrive.
  • Avoid Overfertilizing: While a bit of fertilizer is good for growth, don’t go overboard. Too much can harm the new plants.
  • Monitor for Growth: Keep an eye on the new divisions or cuttings. Once you start seeing new leaves and roots, you’ll know your efforts are paying off!

There you have it – a guide to propagating Anubias Barteri Round. With a little care, patience, and attention to detail, you’ll soon have a bunch of new plants to enjoy and share with fellow aquarium enthusiasts. Happy propagating.

Aquascaping Possibilities

Ready to take your aquarium design to the next level with Anubias Barteri Round? Let’s explore some creative ways to weave this unique plant into your aquatic masterpiece.

1. The Focal Point:

  • Solo Showcase: Place a well-established Anubias Barteri Round as a solo focal point. Its round leaves will naturally draw attention, creating a captivating centerpiece in your tank.

2. Driftwood Dream:

  • Lush Driftwood: Attach Anubias Barteri Round to a piece of driftwood. Let the round leaves hug the wood’s curves, creating a harmonious and natural look.

3. Rocky Wonder:

  • Rock Gardens: Arrange small rocks to create mini garden spaces in your tank. Nestle Anubias Barteri Round between the rocks, letting its round leaves peek out like hidden treasures.

4. Pond-Like Serenity:

  • Water Lily Illusion: Arrange Anubias Barteri Round at varying heights to mimic the look of water lilies. Create a serene pond-like atmosphere with its round leaves floating just above the substrate.

5. Jungle Oasis:

  • Companion Plants: Pair Anubias Barteri Round with other low-light, compatible plants like Java Fern or Cryptocoryne. Their textures and shapes will complement the round leaves beautifully.

6. Fairy Tale Forest:

  • Terrarium Vibes: Plant Anubias Barteri Round amidst a lush bed of mosses and ferns. It’s like creating a magical forest corner within your aquarium.

7. Underwater Meadow:

  • Grassy Ground: Surround Anubias Barteri Round with a carpet of low-growing plants like Dwarf Hairgrass. The contrast of textures adds visual interest to your aquascape.

8. Ancient Ruins:

  • Decorative Elements: Incorporate aquarium decorations like ancient ruins or statues. Attach Anubias Barteri Round to these elements, transforming them into vibrant, living focal points.

9. Zen Minimalism:

  • Minimalist Style: Embrace simplicity by placing a single Anubias Barteri Round in a clean, uncluttered corner of your tank. It adds a touch of elegance without overwhelming the space.

10. Whimsical Wonderland:

  • Hardscape Play: Create a whimsical scene by arranging driftwood and rocks to mimic a magical landscape. Anubias Barteri Round can be the “enchanted plants” of your aquatic wonderland.

Tips for Harmony:

  • Space Consideration: Give your Anubias Barteri Round enough space to spread its round leaves comfortably. Avoid overcrowding to showcase its unique shape.
  • Texture Mix: Balance the round leaves with plants that have different leaf shapes and textures. This contrast adds depth and visual intrigue.
  • Hardscape Harmony: Choose hardscape elements that complement the plant’s natural look. Driftwood, rocks, and decorations should enhance the overall theme.

With these creative ideas in mind, you’re ready to infuse your aquascape with the captivating charm of Anubias Barteri Round. Whether you’re aiming for a serene pond or a whimsical wonderland, this unique plant is sure to add a touch of magic to your underwater masterpiece.

Maintenance and Care

Keeping your Anubias Barteri Round happy and healthy is all about giving it the TLC it deserves. Let’s talk about how to maintain its beauty and prevent common issues.

1. Pruning and Grooming:

  • Dead Leaves: Regularly trim any yellow or brown leaves close to the rhizome. This helps maintain the plant’s appearance and redirects its energy towards healthy growth.

2. Algae Alleviation:

  • Light Control: Keep lighting at the moderate level Anubias Barteri Round prefers. Excessive light can trigger algae growth on its leaves.
  • Avoid Direct Sunlight: Shield the tank from direct sunlight, as it can encourage unwanted algae growth.
  • Maintain Clean Water: Regular water changes and good filtration help reduce nutrient buildup that can fuel algae growth.

3. Rhizome Rot Prevention:

  • Substrate Placement: Ensure the rhizome is above the substrate when attaching the plant to hardscape. Burying the rhizome invites rot.
  • Avoid Overcrowding: Provide sufficient space between plants to allow air circulation around the rhizome.

4. Vigilant Monitoring:

  • Healthy Growth: Regularly observe new leaf growth. Healthy leaves are vibrant green and unblemished.
  • Signs of Distress: Keep an eye out for yellowing leaves, black spots, or wilting. These could signal issues that need attention.

5. Prompt Responses:

  • Act Swiftly: If you notice any signs of distress or abnormal growth, take action promptly.
  • Troubleshooting: Research the specific issue and apply appropriate remedies, such as adjusting water parameters or addressing nutrient imbalances.

6. Balance is Key:

  • Moderation: Avoid over-fertilizing, as it can lead to algae issues. Follow recommended dosages for liquid fertilizers.
  • Water Quality: Maintain good water quality through regular water changes. This helps prevent nutrient buildup and supports plant health.

7. Patience Pays Off:

  • Growth Pace: Remember that Anubias Barteri Round isn’t a fast grower. Be patient and give it the time it needs to establish itself.

8. Adapting to Change:

  • Transitioning: When introducing the plant to your tank, allow it some time to adjust to new conditions. It might experience minor leaf melting, which is normal during acclimatization.

9. Record Keeping:

  • Notes: Keep a journal of maintenance activities and changes you make. This helps you track what works best for your specific setup.

10. Consistent Care:

  • Regular Routine: Establish a regular maintenance routine that includes water changes, leaf pruning, and general observation.

Remember, being attentive to your Anubias Barteri Round’s needs goes a long way in keeping it thriving. Regular maintenance, balanced conditions, and quick responses to any issues ensure that this unique plant continues to grace your aquarium with its charming round leaves. Happy planting and caring.

Benefits for the Aquarium Ecosystem

Ever wondered how a single plant like Anubias Barteri Round can have a positive ripple effect throughout your tank? Let’s explore the amazing benefits it brings to your aquatic haven.

1. Oxygen Oasis:

  • Oxygen Production: Like all plants, Anubias Barteri Round goes through photosynthesis. This means it takes in carbon dioxide and releases oxygen, boosting the oxygen levels in your tank. Fish and other aquatic critters appreciate this fresh oxygen infusion!

2. Natural Filtration:

  • Nutrient Uptake: Anubias Barteri Round doesn’t just sit there looking pretty. It actively absorbs nutrients like nitrates and phosphates from the water. This helps prevent nutrient buildup that can lead to algae problems.
  • Nitrogen Cycle Support: By absorbing nitrates, the plant aids in maintaining a balanced nitrogen cycle in your aquarium. This contributes to a healthier environment for your aquatic inhabitants.

3. Shading and Hideouts:

  • Aquatic Hideaways: The plant’s round leaves provide cozy nooks for smaller fish and shrimp to hide in. This creates a sense of security, especially for shy species.
  • Shade for Delicate Species: Some fish and invertebrates prefer a bit of shade. Anubias Barteri Round’s leaves offer a shaded spot, making them feel more comfortable.

4. Aesthetic Enhancement:

  • Visual Delight: Let’s not forget the obvious – Anubias Barteri Round is a stunning addition to your tank. Its round leaves bring a unique charm and eye-catching focal point that enhances the overall aesthetics of your aquarium.

5. Micro-Ecosystem Enrichment:

  • Microbial Activity: The plant’s roots create microhabitats where beneficial bacteria thrive. These bacteria play a vital role in breaking down waste and maintaining water quality.

6. Rhizome Diversity:

  • Bio-Diversity: By attaching Anubias Barteri Round to different hardscape elements, you’re adding micro-environments and surfaces for biofilm and microorganisms. This boosts the overall biodiversity in your tank.

7. Stress Relief:

  • Natural Habitat Reminder: For some fish species, the presence of live plants simulates their natural environment, helping to reduce stress and promote healthier behaviors.

8. Educational Value:

  • Learning Opportunity: Observing how Anubias Barteri Round interacts with your tank’s ecosystem provides a valuable opportunity for understanding the interconnectedness of aquatic life.

9. Stabilizing Microclimates:

  • Temperature Regulation: The shaded spots created by the plant’s leaves can help regulate temperature fluctuations in specific areas of the tank.

In a nutshell, Anubias Barteri Round isn’t just a pretty face; it’s a crucial player in maintaining a healthy and harmonious aquarium ecosystem. From oxygenation to natural filtration and providing hideouts, this unique plant contributes to the well-being of your aquatic friends while adding a touch of natural beauty to your underwater world.

Compatibility with Fish and Invertebrates

If you’re thinking about introducing some finned and shelled companions to accompany your Anubias Barteri Round, here’s a helpful guide to ensure everyone gets along swimmingly.

1. Peaceful Community Fish:

  • Tetras: Peaceful tetras like Neon Tetras, Cardinal Tetras, and Ember Tetras make great companions. They’re small, colorful, and won’t nibble on your Anubias leaves.
  • Gouramis: Dwarf Gouramis and Honey Gouramis are laid-back fish that usually coexist peacefully with plants.

2. Bottom Dwellers:

  • Corydoras Catfish: These charming catfish species are known for their playful behavior and won’t disturb your plants.
  • Otocinclus Catfish: Otos are excellent algae eaters that won’t munch on your Anubias.

3. Shrimp and Snails:

  • Cherry Shrimp: These little scavengers add a pop of color and help keep your tank clean.
  • Nerite Snails: They’re great algae eaters and won’t harm your plants.

4. Consideration for Herbivores:

  • African Cichlids: Some herbivorous cichlids might nibble on Anubias leaves, so it’s best to avoid pairing them.
  • Goldfish: Goldfish are notorious plant munchers, so they’re not the best tankmates for your leafy beauty.

5. Mind the Aggressors:

  • Aggressive Cichlids: Large, aggressive cichlids might uproot plants or disturb your aquascape, posing a risk to Anubias Barteri Round.
  • Barbs and Danios: Some barbs and danios have a tendency to be nippy and might damage your plant’s leaves.

6. Compatibility Caution:

  • New Introductions: Whenever adding new fish or invertebrates, closely observe their behavior to ensure they’re not causing harm to your Anubias or other tankmates.
  • Individual Variability: Remember that fish personalities can vary. A usually peaceful fish might have a cranky day, so always keep an eye out for any signs of trouble.

7. Tank Size Matters:

  • Space Consideration: Make sure your tank provides ample space for both fish and plants. Overcrowding can lead to stress and potential conflicts.

8. Plant-Safe Considerations:

  • Medications: If you need to medicate your tank for any reason, make sure the medication is safe for plants, including Anubias Barteri Round.

9. Research is Key:

  • Species Research: Before adding any new fish or invertebrates, do your homework on their behaviors, feeding habits, and compatibility with plants.

In a nutshell, Anubias Barteri Round can happily coexist with a variety of peaceful fish and invertebrates that won’t munch on its leaves or disrupt its growth. However, always keep an eye on interactions, as individual behaviors can vary. With careful planning and a little research, you can create a harmonious underwater community where everyone thrives – plants and all.


As we come to the end of this journey into the world of Anubias Barteri Round, let’s take a moment to recap the important highlights we’ve uncovered and encourage you to dive into the captivating world of aquatic gardening.

Recap of Key Points

  • Anubias Barteri Round is a unique aquatic plant known for its distinctive round leaves.
  • It originates from West Africa and thrives in moderate lighting and temperatures between 72-82°F (22-28°C).
  • The plant offers benefits such as oxygenation, nutrient absorption, and aesthetic enhancement.
  • Regular maintenance tasks include pruning dead leaves, managing algae, and monitoring for signs of distress.
  • When choosing tankmates, opt for peaceful fish, bottom dwellers, and shrimp or snails, while avoiding herbivores and aggressive species.
  • The plant’s compatibility with different aquascaping styles and hardscape elements makes it a versatile addition to any tank.

Embrace the Beauty and Benefits

Anubias Barteri Round brings a touch of wonder and diversity to your aquarium. Its round leaves are like little aquatic gems that can transform your tank into a captivating underwater paradise. By adding this plant to your aquatic arsenal, you’re not only enhancing the visual appeal but also contributing to a healthier and balanced ecosystem. Don’t hesitate to explore its beauty and benefits – your aquatic friends will thank you for it!

Additional Resources for Further Exploration

For those eager to learn more about Anubias Barteri Round and aquatic plant care, here are some excellent resources to dive into:

  • Books:
    • “The Simple Guide to Planted Aquariums” by Terry Anne Barber
    • “Ecology of the Planted Aquarium” by Diana Walstad
  • Articles and Forums:
    • The Planted Tank Forum (
    • Aquarium Advice (
    • Practical Fishkeeping Magazine (

Reputable Suppliers for Anubias Barteri Round: Ready to welcome this unique plant into your aquarium? Check out these trusted suppliers for your Anubias Barteri Round needs:

With these resources at your fingertips, you’re well-equipped to embark on a beautiful aquatic journey with Anubias Barteri Round. So go ahead, embrace the world of aquatic gardening, and let your imagination and creativity flourish in your very own underwater oasis. Happy planting.